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Financialization and innovation activity of Russian companies: Empirical research

Fokin I. V., Rozmainsky I. V.

Russian Journal of Economics. 2024. Vol. 10. No. 2. P. 168-189.

Глава в книге
Veto Core Consistent Preference Aggregation

Aleksei Y. Kondratev, Ianovski E.

In bk.: AAMAS '24: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. Auckland: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2024. P. 1020-1028.

Equilibrium existence and uniqueness in additive trade models

Slepov Fedor, Kokovin S. G.

Basic research program. WP BRP. National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2023. No. 262/EC/2023.

XXIV заседание регулярного научного семинара департамента экономики

На XXIV заседании научного семинара департамента экономики Санкт-Петербургской школы экономики и менеджмента НИУ ВШЭ с докладом «Fairness and efficiency in strategy-proof object allocation mechanism» выступит доцент департамента экономики, PhD, Александр Сергеевич Нестеров. Семинар состоится 5 октября в 17:30 по адресу: Кантемировская улица, д.3, корп. 1, лит. А, ауд. 358. Ждем всех заинтересовавшихся преподавателей, исследователей, студентов.

I consider the problem of allocating N indivisible objects among N agents according to their preferences when transfers are absent and an outside option may exist.  I study the tradeoff between fairness and efficiency in the class of strategy-proof mechanisms. The main finding is that for strategy-proof mechanisms the following efficiency and fairness criteria are mutually incompatible: (1) ex-post efficiency and envy-freeness, (2) ordinal efficiency and weak envy-freeness, and (3) ordinal efficiency and equal division lower bound. Result 1 is the first impossibility result for this setting that uses ex-post efficiency; results 2 and 3 are more practical than similar results in the literature. In addition, for N=3,  I provide two characterizations of the celebrated random serial dictatorship mechanism: it is the unique strategy-proof, ex-post efficient mechanism that (4) provides agents that have the same ordinal preferences with assignments not dominated by each other (weak envy-freeness among equals), or (5) provides agents that have the same cardinal preferences with assignments of equal expected utility (symmetry). These results strengthen the characterization by Bogomolnaia and Moulin (2001); result 5 implies the impossibility result by Zhou (1990).