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Научный семинар "Testing the Russian Labour Market for Heterocentrism in Hiring: Evidence from a Correspondence Study"

4 марта 2020 года в 16:50 состоится следующий научный семинар Международного центра экономики, управления и политики в области здоровья.

Давитадзе Арсен Паатович, студент 1 курса магистратуры, представит доклад на тему "Testing the Russian Labour Market for Heterocentrism in Hiring: Evidence from a Correspondence Study".

Место проведения: ШЭМ НИУ ВШЭ в Санкт-Петербурге, Кантемировская ул., 3А, ауд. 345  

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Данная работа стала лауреатом конкурса НИРС 2019 года 

Аннотация: LGBT workers represent the least studied minority group in terms of discrimination on the labour market. Limited research on the topic has consistently found discrimination of such individuals to exist in all stages of their employment, owing to the heterocentric cultural and political context of the modern society. Our project attempts to measure the effect of discrimination of homosexual men on the Russian labour market in hiring. Findings suggest that discrimination in hiring of homosexuals on the Russian labour market is expressed by 24.1% decrease in probability of being invited to a job interview for homosexual candidates in comparison with heterosexual candidates. The research also proposes that there are no significant differences in starting wages offered by discriminatory and non-discriminatory employers, yet there are cases of homosexual candidates being offered lower pay.