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International Relations in East Asia

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс по выбору
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1, 2 модуль


Course Syllabus


This course is meant for those who are interested in learning more about major trends and developments shaping East Asia’s international relations. East Asia is understood here as an international-political region comprising Northeast Asia (NEA), Southeast Asia (SEA) and the US as an external actor. The key emphasis in the course is made on NEA, including: China, Japan, Korea (North and South), Russia and Mongolia. The standing of East Asia in the world order, which is already high, continues to rise. There are now hardly any doubts that this regional system will shape the global international order in the 21st century, though there is still a substantial amount of conflict and tension in the region. While it is lacking a solid system of cooperation to ensure mutual security, there exist systemic forces that generally contribute to peace and stable economic development in the region. Therefore, the course will examine East Asian international politics as a complex interplay, or dialectics, of rivalry and cooperation between key actors in economics and security.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Discuss the theoretical concept of East Asia as an international-political region and examine its main features.
  • Examine the strategies and policies of the leading actors in Northeast Asia – China, Japan, Russia, Republic of Korea, DPRK, and the US as an external actor.
  • Research key features of China’s rivalry with the US (more globally) and with Japan in East Asia.
  • Explore the traditional security threats in the region, especially the role of nuclear weapons in NEA.
  • Analyze the evolving multilateral institutional structure of East Asia with a special focus on ASEAN as a model for Asian regionalism
  • Investigate Russia’s so-called “Pivot” to Asia, especially its manifestation in a strategy for advanced development of the Russian Far East
  • Outline possible future scenarios for East Asia’s strategic landscape
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • acquires modern methodology to clarify interests of main regional actors to be able to foresee future development of the international situation in East Asia and to formulate recommendations to the leadership of Russia and RFE on their international policy in the region
  • characterizes main traditional and non-traditional threats in the region, and major economic trends defining international order in East Asia
  • finds, analyzes and comprehends new information, to propose theoretical concepts and models explaining practical behavior and policies of key states in the region, taking into account growing competition of China with USA and Japan
  • knows main characteristics of the East Asia international relations, modern strategies, policies, and priorities of key states in the region
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • History and IR Theoretical Approaches to East Asia. Key Features of the East Asia as an International Political and Economic Region
  • Northeast Asia as a Key Part of East Asia. Regional Powers of Northeast Asia: a Trend to Dividing in Two Groups (USA, Japan, RK) vs. (China, RF, DPRK) and to Forming of a Two-tied Structure of Multilateralism (6-Party Talks vs. CJK).
  • The USA as a Key External Power in East Asia. Challenges and Perspectives for a New Political-Economic Order in East Asia and Beyond
  • Research papers presentations and discussions. Course Conclusion and Evaluation
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking In-class Participation
    For each lecture and seminar topic, students are required to read at least two articles/chapters/books from the list of the recommended literature. Apart from the recommended titles, they are encouraged to read other materials relevant to the course’s general theme and topics. Substantial part of the relevant materials can be found in the web resources’ list below. Students are required actively participate in discussions during seminars.
  • non-blocking Essay
    Students are required to do one written assignment. They must write an analytical essay on any subject that is relevant to the general theme of the course or the course’s topics. Students should propose the essay’s subject/title on their own (some variations of possible themes for essays are listed below), subject to approval by the instructor, who may suggest necessary changes. The essay must be between 10 and 15 pages long.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2021/2022 2nd module
    0.5 * In-class Participation + 0.5 * Essay


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Michael Yahuda. (2019). The International Politics of the Asia-Pacific : Fourth and Revised Edition: Vol. Fourth and revised edition. Routledge.
  • Nederveen Pieterse, J., Abdul Rahman Embong, & Tham, S. Y. (2017). Changing Constellations of Southeast Asia : From Northeast Asia to China. Routledge.
  • Westad, O. A. (2019). The Sources of Chinese Conduct: Are Washington and Beijing Fighting a New Cold War? Foreign Affairs, 98(5), 86.

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Wang Yi. (2018). China’s Diplomacy in the New Era: Opening Up New Horizons with a New Outlook. China International Studies, 68, 5–25.
