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Наши преимущества:
Новикова С. Ю., Синеокая Н. А., Трофимова Н. А.
М.: Флинта, 2024.
Морозова В. С., Дондоков Д. Д., Якунина Т. В.
Вестник Забайкальского государственного университета. 2024. Т. 30. № 2. С. 141-152.
Z. M. Shakiryanova, Satayev M. I., Alexeyeva N. V. et al.
In bk.: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Volume 1, ISAS 2024. LNNS, volume 1130. Vol. 1: Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 274-279.
Literary Studies. WP BRP. Высшая школа экономики, 2015. No. WP BRP 11/LS/2015 .
1. Точилина Юлия “Legal regulation of payments by bank cards”
2. Жданова Вероника “The problems of the constitutional courts’ organization in the subjects of the Russian Federation”
3. Пшенникова Марина “Arbitration court’s impartiality protection”
4. Русакова Александра “Legal regulation of personal bankruptcy”
5. Шевченко Софья “Recognition and Execution of Foreign Judicial Acts in the Arbitration and the Civil Proceedings”
6. Карапетян Елизавета “Abuse of Intellectual property rights”
7. Кошелев Сергей“Ensuring the unity of the legal space of the Russian Federation”
8. Надымова Кристина “Negotiations as a legal fact in civil law: theoretical and practical problems”
9. Гапеев Артур “The compulsory social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases”
10. Баймакова Юлия “Problems of minority shareholders’ and creditors’ rights protection with regard to the doctrine of piercing the corporate veil”
11. Симонова Светлана “Establishment of statutory interest by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation”
12. Гхош Кристи “Political factors of the Kyoto Protocol signing”
13. Яхновец Елизавета “The Estoppel as a protective institution of interests of bona fide party according to the Russian civil law”
14. Желонкин Дмитрий “ The institutionalisation of the lobbying activity in Russia: why the law about lobbying activity wasn't accepted in contemporary Russia ”
2 курс
Environmental Law
16 марта (4 пара), ауд. 118
1. Степанян Жаклина “The compensation system for environmental pollution and other harmful effects on the example of French and Russian legal framework”
2. Лысачкина Дарина “Water pollution control: Legislation”
3. Стрелкова Елена “The interrelationship between the Environment and Human Rights”
4. Овсянникова Анна “Genetically-modified organisms (GMO) regulation by norms of ecological law”
5. Фомина Ксения “Sources and Realization of Environmental Law”