On November, 25-27 Leonid Limonov attended the conference "Harmonious Development, Common Prosperity and the Transformation of Cities and Regions" (Hangzhou, China)
25-27 ноября 2015 г. заведующий Лабораторией урбанистических исследований Л.Э. Лимонов принял участие в конференции «Сбалансированное развитие, общественное благосостояние и трансформация городов и регионов» (Harmonious Development, Common Prosperity and the Transformation of Cities and Regions), проведенной Ассоциацией региональных исследований (RSA).
On November, 25-27 Leonid Limonov, Head of the Laboratory for Urban Studies, attended the conference "Harmonious Development, Common Prosperity and the Transformation of Cities and Regions" (Hangzhou, China). On November, 26 Leonid Limonov made a report on the theme "Role of Metropolitan Areas in Strategic Planning of Russian Regions: Cases of St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan" and took part in the meeting of editorial board of the journal "Area Development and Policy" (ADP). Also on the November, 27 he moderated the section "Agglomeration, Investments, Resources and City Growth".