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October, 19 - Leonid Limonov took part in the round table "Tourism Development Strategies in Small Historic Towns of Russia"

19 октября заведующий Лабораторией урбанистических исследований, профессор НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург Л. Э. Лимонов модерировал круглый стол «Стратегии развития туризма в малых исторических городах России», прошедший в рамках XIV общероссийского Форума "Стратегическое планирование планирование в регионах и городах России: пространство выбора и выбор пространства" (http://www.forumstrategov.ru).

On October, 19 Leonid Limonov, head of the Laboratory of Urban Studies, professor (HSE St. Petersburg) moderated the round table "Tourism Development Strategies in Small Historic Towns of Russia", which was held during the XIV All-Russian Forum "Strategic Planning in the Regions and Cities of Russia: the Space for Choice and Choice of Space" (http://www.forumstrategov.ru). The main topic of discussion was cultural heritage as a factor of socio-economic development of small historic towns in Russia. Leonid Limonov also did presentation on the preparation of the project "Preservation and Development of Small Historic Towns and Settlements".