Round table "New Competencies for Urbanism of the XXI Century"
15 мая в рамках международной конференции «Образование и мировые города: перспективы БРИКС» прошел круглый стол «Новые компетенции для урбанистики XXI века». Организаторами мероприятия выступили Леонтьевский центр совместно с Базовой кафедрой МЦСЭИ «Леонтьевский центр» и Лабораторией урбанистических исследований в НИУ ВШЭ – Санкт-Петербург.
On May, 15 the round table "New Competencies for Urbanism of the XXI Century" was held within the international conference "Education and global cities: prospects of BRICS". Organizers of the round table: ICSER Leonief centre, Laboratory for Urban Studies and Leontief Centre Interfaculty Base Department.
On the round table experts discussed the actual challenges of the city-planning, if educational standards in city-planning correspond to its current demands, use of information technologies, necessity of interdisciplinary approach to education of urbanists and etc.
Discussion was moderated by the Head of the Laboratory for Urban Studies, Professor of HSE Leonid Limonov. Heads and experts from leading institutes and educational programs from Moscow and St. Petesburg participated in the event, as well as international urbanists - professor Pedro Novais (Brasil), Iwao Ohashi (Japan) and Paulo Ferrao (Portugal).