From 25th to 27th of May Leonid Limonov took part in the annual conference of Regional Studies Association "Global Growth Agenda: Regions, Institutions and Stability" (Piacenza, Italy)
25-27 мая заведующий Лабораторией урбанистических исследований Л. Э. Лимонов принял участие в ежегодной конференции Ассоциации региональных исследований «Повестка глобального роста: регионы, институты и устойчивость».
From 25th to 27th of May Leonid Limonov, head of the Laboratoty of Urban Studies took part in the annual conference of Regional Studies Association "Global Growth Agenda: Regions, Institutions and Stability" (Piacenza, Italy).
On the first day of the conference Leonid Limonov made a presentation on "Small Historic Towns Preservation and Development in Russia: the Case of the IBRD". On the second day Leonid Limonov moderated session of tourism and regional development.