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Centre for Comparative Governance Studies

The goal of the Centre is to conduct comparative research in the field of political governance studies.

The key tasks of the Centre:

  • Research, expertise and consulting on political governance for governmental and non-governmental organizations;
  • Organization of research activities together with Russian and international organizations;
  • Development of the interdisciplinary dialogue on comparative political studies among HSE faculty members and students, as well as partner organizations;
  • Dissemination of scientific knowledge through international journals and conferences;
  • Implementation of the conducted research results into practice and education.

The Centre was established in September 2019. Researchers of the Centre are faculty members of the Department of Political Science and International Relations at HSE University in St. Petersburg.

The major topics of the research interest include the issues of politics and governance in multilevel systems, including the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Russian Federation.


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