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194100 Saint Petersburg,
3 Kantemirovskaya Street, Room 223, 218, 203
The Department of Management was set up in 2014 on the basis of the Faculty of Management and is a part of the School of Economics and Management which brings together economists and managers. The distinguishing feature of this department is the limited combination of theoretical science, applied science and close interaction with the real economic sector.
Абрамова И. О., Amuhaya C. Ayuma, Degterev D. A. et al.
M.: National Review, 2023.
Kozachenko E.
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 2025.
Malinina M. A., Plakhotnik M. S.
In bk.: Психология XXI века — 2024: калейдоскоп открытий. Сборник тезисов участников XXVII Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых 10–12 апреля 2024 г.. St. Petersburg: Scifiya-print, 2024. P. 517-519.
Dagaev D., Paklina S., Reade J. et al.
Department of Economics Discussion Paper. . University of Reading, 2021. No. 2021-14.
The seminars were open for all faculty and PhD students of HSE.
The list of speakers is as follows:
1. January, 2022 - Ali Nawaz Khan, PhD (Associate Professor, Department of Management, SCEM, HSE, SPb) presented a paper, “Impact of Ethical Leadership on Employee Turnover Intentions in the Construction Industry”, co-authored with Yongkui Li, Mohsin Ali Soomro, Yilong Han, and Rui Xue and accepted by the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management .
2. February, 2022 - Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, PhD (Professor of Economics, Chair of the Division of the International Economic Integration, Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey) shared his insights around two topics: 1) Publications by the Eurasia Business and Economics Society,including Eurasian Business Review (Q1 WoS/SSCI) and Eurasian Economic Review(Q1 Scopus)and 2)Editor's advice for successful publishing in high-ranking journals in management and economics.
3. March, 2022 - Amitabh Anand, PhD (Associate Professor, Department of International Management and Human Resources, Excelia Business School, La Rochelle, France and VisitingAssociate Professor, Department of Management, SCEM, HSE, SPb) shared his experiences with scholarly publications in a presentation, “Research Publication Journey from a Low Ranking to a High Ranked Journal”.
4. April, 2022 - Thadeu Gasparetto, PhD (Associate Professor, SCEM, HSE, SPb) presented his latest research onpenalty kicks in professional football. Thadeushared some preliminary results while finishing collecting and analyzing data.
5. May, 2022 -Galina Shirokova (Deputy Dean, Professor), Aleksandra Bordunos (Lecturer), Louisa Selivanovskikh (Lecturer, Department of Management, SCEM, HSE, SPb) presented a paper, “Unravelling the Relationship between Dark Triad Traits and Effectuation and Causation within SMEs” co-authored with Michael Morris (University of Notre Dame, USA) and recognized as top 10% by the reviewers at the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
6. June, 2022 -Galina Shirokova (Deputy Dean, Professor) and Elena Shakina ( Dean, Associate Professor, SCEM, HSE, SPb) presented a paper, “Entrepreneurial Orientation as a Mediator of ADHD – Performance Relationship: A Staged Quasi-Replication Study” co-authored with Violetta Bacon-Gerasymenko (Associate Professor, Oregon State University, USA) andWilliam Wales ( Standish Professor of Entrepreneurship, University at Albany-SUNY, USA) and recently published in Journal of Business Venturing Insights.
More Research Seminars are coming in the fall!
If you have an idea about the speaker and the topic of a seminar, please approach to Dr Maria Plakhotnik.