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Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing and Logistics
In press

Fomin D., Ilya Makarov, Voronina M. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12. P. 196195-196206.

Book chapter
Inventory Management Under Dependent Demand in the Conditions of Risk

Lukinskiy V., Lukinsky V., Bazhina D. et al.

In bk.: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Digital Twins - From Development to Application, RelStat-2023, October 19-21, 2023, Riga, Latvia. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, LNNS, volume 913. Vol. 913. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 269-277.

A graduate of the master's program "Strategic management of logistics" A. M. Kolosov PhD degree in management (logistics) was awarded.

On October 06, 2022, a PhD thesis was defended by a postgraduate student of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management and a graduate of the master's program "Strategic Management in Logistics" Anton Kolosov. Dissertation topic: "Assessing the impact of the use of blockchain technology on the effectiveness of procurement procedures", scientific supervisor Honored Worker of Science, Professor B.V. Sokolov.

The Dissertation Council on Management of the National Research University Higher School of Economics at a meeting on October 12, 2022 decided to award Kolosov A.M. PhD in Management in the scientific specialty 08.00.05 - Economics and Management of the National Economy (Logistics).

The HSE St. Petersburg Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management congratulates Anton Mikhailovich on the completion of an important stage in his scientific career and wishes him further creative success.