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Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing and Logistics
In press

Fomin D., Ilya Makarov, Voronina M. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12. P. 196195-196206.

Book chapter
Inventory Management Under Dependent Demand in the Conditions of Risk

Lukinskiy V., Lukinsky V., Bazhina D. et al.

In bk.: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Digital Twins - From Development to Application, RelStat-2023, October 19-21, 2023, Riga, Latvia. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, LNNS, volume 913. Vol. 913. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 269-277.

The port of Antwerp: 223 million tons of cargo, 143 thousand jobs, 19 billion euro of added value (5% of Belgium's GDP) - what do companies need to stand out among competitors in the world market?

Head of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Professor V.S. Lukinsky took part in the seminar "Port of Antwerp: a logistics hub for supply chains of Russian cargo" on April 26, 2018.
The event, which took place in the Constantine Palace (Strelna), gathered more than 200 participants. The mayor of Antwerp, Mr. Bart De Veiver, began his speech by words: "I am the governor of a small city with a large port." Of particular interest was the report of the CEO of the Port of Antwerp, Mr. Jacques Vandermeiren.

What do companies need to stand out among their competitors in the world market? To do this, they should be able to organize the best possible supply chain of cargo delivery to the final destination. Reliability, quality, sustainability, flexibility, total cost and time are key performance indicators (KPIs) for supply chains.

The port of Antwerp is the second largest port in Europe and the fourteenth in the world (the first ten most important ports are in China). Over the past twenty years, cargo turnover in the port has increased by almost 100 million tons and reached 223 million tons in 2017, including 10.5 million containers. With more than 200 regular sea liner shipments of project and oversized cargo (direct calls to 1300 ports around the world), you can reach anywhere in the world from Antwerp. 250 loaded cargo trains depart daily from the port. The area of ​​covered storage areas is 6.1 million m2.

Thus, the port of Antwerp is an integrated platform for maritime navigation (cargo handling), logistics and industry in the heart of European production and consumer base: 60% of the purchasing power of the European Union is concentrated within a radius of 500 km from Antwerp.

Our country is the second most important partner: in 2017 between Russia and the port of Antwerp transported more than 14 million tons of cargo. The main criteria for choosing the port of Antwerp by Russian freight forwarders and cargo owners are: speed of cargo handling, personnel qualification, availability of warehouses at berths, and the possibility of sea communication around the world.

For consideration of these and many other issues related to the formation of global supply chains, the Masters’s program "Strategic Logistics Management" provides the introduction of a new discipline "Digital Logistics, Robotics and Additive Technologies" (jointly with Solvo), and invited to conduct in Saint-Petersburg in November-December 2018 (second year of the master's degree) prof. Rob Zuidwijk (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands) and prof. Harri Lorentz (University of Turku, Finland).