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Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks for Scheduling in Cloud Manufacturing and Logistics
In press

Fomin D., Ilya Makarov, Voronina M. et al.

IEEE Access. 2024. Vol. 12. P. 196195-196206.

Book chapter
Inventory Management Under Dependent Demand in the Conditions of Risk

Lukinskiy V., Lukinsky V., Bazhina D. et al.

In bk.: Selected Papers from the 23rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication: Digital Twins - From Development to Application, RelStat-2023, October 19-21, 2023, Riga, Latvia. Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication, LNNS, volume 913. Vol. 913. Cham: Springer, 2024. P. 269-277.

The 14th International Conference of Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication

On October 15-17 the 14th International Conference of Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication was held.

Valery Lukinskiy, Head of the School of Logistics and Supply Chain Management took part in the conference as moderator of two sections ‘Transport and Business Logistics’ and ‘Applications of Mathematical Methods to Logistics and Business’ and coauthor of the report ‘The Evaluation of the Reliability of Supply Chains: Failure Models’.

He also delivered a lecture on modern trends in logistics.