CHEMP Summer School 2017
Part I: Health Outcomes Measurement
Attendees are encouraged to bring with them any EQ-5D data that they already have and are working on currently. This could be used by them for a ‘work-in-progress’ presentation or for some small group consultations to receive advice on using the data. Time can also be allocated to the discussion of any planned studies involving EQ-5D.
Workshop attendees wishing to discuss planned research, to present existing research or to discuss their data informally, should advise the organisers as soon as possible so that it can be included in the workshop schedule.
The workshop is intended to be an informal, friendly and supportive event to help share and spread knowledge about EQ-5D in order to advance its use in Russia.It will be useful for participants to have access to a tablet / laptop computer with relevant software to handle simple calculations and statistical analysis (EXCEL might be sufficient, but SPSS and/or Stata are also useful). Presentation of data will be handled through POWERPOINT or other similar software.
Further details concerning contacts, registration, venue, accommodation and schedule is available on our further information pages.
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