The Local Organizing Committee of the Second World Congress of Comparative Economics (WCCE) is pleased to invite you to take part in Electronic Resources and Book Fair that will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia in June 2017.
Electronic Resources and Book Fair will be open for visitors from 11 a.m. till 5 p.m. on June 15-16 and from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. June 17. The exhibition will be located in the lobby next to main Congress hall and close to coffee and refreshments.
The exhibition area will be locked when the exhibit is not open. We will have signs placed throughout the conference pointing people to the exhibit and listing the exhibit hours.
With visiting Electronic Resources and Book Fair you will get a great opportunity to showcase your brand and draw public attention to the book and e-resource collection.
Participating publishers
The registration fee of 250 USD is paid by each representative and entitles exhibitors to the following:
- 5-foot table
- Free Wi-Fi available in the exhibition area
- Power sockets
- Possibility to enclose information from publishers and vendors into 2nd WCCE visitors' packs
- Admission to all congress sessions
- Coffee breaks and lunches
- Welcome reception
To register for the Congress, please complete a registration form here.
Shipping and Return Shipping
We regret to inform you that due to requirements of Russian customs legislation the Local Organizing Committee cannot arrange delivery and shipment of books and other materials. We recommend you to contact transportation companies in your country and to follow the guidelines below:
The declared value of each parcel must not exceed 1,000 EURO.
The weight of each parcel must not exceed 30 kg.
The documents accompanying the shipment must state clearly that the goods shipped are not intended for sale or any commercial use.
The deadline for reserving space at Electronic Resources and Book Fair is May 1, 2017. We will send instructions to exhibitors by June 1, 2017, for set-up and take-down.
If you would like to send any materials for inclusion into the visitors' packs, we will need 270 copies by May 15, 2017, received at the Congress address.
For questions on exhibiting at the Second WCCE 2017 please contact Anastasia Kiseleva (Project Manager) by email: akiseleva@hse.ru or Elena Kosareva (Head of Library) by email: ekosareva@hse.ru.