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Financial Management

Учебный год
Обучение ведется на английском языке
Курс обязательный
Когда читается:
3-й курс, 3, 4 модуль


Course Syllabus


This course will provide participants with an understanding of the techniques used to analyze major financial problems of modern company in market environment. We begin by reviewing the basic principles of financial management. Next we deepen our examination of discounted cashflow approach and move to risk and return analysis. Then, we look at investment analysis and foundation of investment decisions and its connection with the performance analysis. We will study basic models of valuation of corporate capital, including pricing models for primary financial assets, real assets valuation and investment projects analysis, capital structure and various types of corporate capital employed, derivative assets and contingent claims on assets. We will deal with evaluating different management decisions and its influence on corporate performance and value. The course requires the knowledge in micro and macroeconomics, accounting, theory of finance, financial management. The course is based on lectures, seminars and self-study.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • ability to understand the methods and techniques used in the financial analysis;
  • ability to set up tasks and find the correct and useful analytical tool for financial and investment analysis, business evaluation to solve the task
  • skills of using techniques of financial, investment analysis . business evaluation approach in the area of managing the company's activities in order to increase its efficiency
  • ability to use the corporate finance tools, financial , investment analysis, evaluation approach for a variety of purposes
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Use techniques of financial analysis in the area of managing the company's activities in order to increase its efficiency
  • understand the methods and techniques used in the financial analysis
  • set up tasks and find the correct and useful analytical tool for financial and investment analysis, business evaluation to solve the task
  • use techniques of financial, investment analysis . business evaluation approach in the area of managing the company's activities in order to increase its efficiency
  • use the corporate finance tools, financial , investment analysis, evaluation approach for a variety of purposes
  • interpret the financial information about the enterprise performance.
  • use the investment, financial analysis tools, business evaluation approach for a variety of purposes
  • set up tasks and find the correct and useful analytical tool for project analysis , for business evaluation
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Introduction to Financial Management. Fundamentals and main principles of financial management
  • Financial reporting. Financial Analysis
  • Fundamentals of investment analysis and making investment decisions
  • Fundamentals of managing the capital structure Theory and Practice
  • Fundamentals of business evaluation
  • Strategic corporate deals
  • Debt Policy
  • Payout policy
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Test
  • non-blocking Projects
    Project 1 Based on the financial reports for 2020-2021 make the financial performance analysis of creditworthiness or bankruptcy risk analysis . Please, use any available methods/approach/manuals for creditworthiness analysis (you may use manual /methodology of any bank/fund) . Also you may use any appropriate for you model for bankruptcy risk analysis. Please, make the conclusion about the financial sustainability of the chosen company. Project 2 Business evaluation of the company chosen The results of your work: 1) In class presentation 2) Written analytical report
  • non-blocking Auditorial work
    Оfinal result = 0.4 Оexam + 0.6 Оaccumulated , where Оaccumulated** = 0.4 Оtest + 0.4 Оprojects +0.2 Оauditorial ** If accumulated mark is more than 7 (7,8,9,10) student does not need to pass the exam, in this case final grade = accumulated gra Auditorial grade = grade for the auditorial work (group discussion, home task presentation) & attendance on tutorials Auditorial attendence assesment is based on your works fulfilled during tutorials and attached in lms after classes ( 90- 100 % attended tutorials - 10, 75-89 % - 9 , 65– 74 %– 8 , 50- 64 % - 7, the rest ones (<50 %) – is assesed individually.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2023/2024 4th module
    0.1 * Auditorial work + 0.1 * Auditorial work + 0.2 * Projects + 0.2 * Projects + 0.4 * Test


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Brealey, R. A., & Allen, F. (2015). Principles of corporate finance. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.BEEE7487
  • Brealey, R. A., & Myers, S. C. (2012). Principles of corporate finance. Slovenia, Europe: Irwin. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.CC4D54D7
  • Principles of corporate finance, Brealey, R.A., 2016
  • Principles of corporate finance, Brealey, R.A., 2020
  • Richard Brealey, Stewart Myers, & Franklin Allen. (2020). ISE EBook Online Access for Principles of Corporate Finance: Vol. Thirteenth edition. McGraw-Hill Education.

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Applied corporate finance, Damodaran, A., 2015
  • Aswath Damodaran. (2016). Damodaran on Valuation : Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance. Wiley.
  • Corporate finance: theory and practice, Damodaran, A., 2001
  • Damodaran, A. (2012). Investment Valuation : Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset (Vol. 3rd ed). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=442924
  • Damodaran, A. (2015). Applied Corporate Finance (Vol. Fourth edition). Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1639191
  • Financial analysis: collection of case studies - Казакова Н.А., Дун И.Р., Бобкова М.П. - НИЦ ИНФРА-М - 2018 - https://znanium.com/catalog/product/972205 - 1047097 - ZNANIUM
  • Narrative and numbers: the value of stories in business, Damodaran, A., 2017
  • Sherman, E. H. (2015). A Manager’s Guide to Financial Analysis : Powerful Tools for Analyzing the Numbers and Making the Best Decisions for Your Business: Vol. Sixth edition. AMA Self-Study.