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194100 Saint Petersburg,
3 Kantemirovskaya Street, Room 223, 218, 203
The Department of Management was set up in 2014 on the basis of the Faculty of Management and is a part of the School of Economics and Management which brings together economists and managers. The distinguishing feature of this department is the limited combination of theoretical science, applied science and close interaction with the real economic sector.
Абрамова И. О., Amuhaya C. Ayuma, Degterev D. A. et al.
M.: National Review, 2023.
Kozachenko E.
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies. 2025.
Malinina M. A., Plakhotnik M. S.
In bk.: Психология XXI века — 2024: калейдоскоп открытий. Сборник тезисов участников XXVII Международной научно-практической конференции студентов, аспирантов и молодых ученых 10–12 апреля 2024 г.. St. Petersburg: Scifiya-print, 2024. P. 517-519.
Dagaev D., Paklina S., Reade J. et al.
Department of Economics Discussion Paper. . University of Reading, 2021. No. 2021-14.
#1 Linda Nakopia, 4 year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: The Evaluation of Accessible Environment of St. Petersburg federal program
Academic Supervisor: Marina V. Nesena
#2 Viktoria Kudryashova, third year, HSE St. Petersburg
Paper: The Big City Marketing Strategy Recommendations Development for St. Petersburg
Academic Supervisor: Marina V. Nesena
Laureate Daniil Zuyev, fourth year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: Russia's Patriotic Education Regional Programs Evaluation Improvement
Academic Supervisor: Anna G. Sanina
#1 Taisia Shentseva, 2017 HSE St. Petersburg Graduate
Research Paper: The EP (European Parliament) Elections‘ Influence on the EU countries' nationalization degree between 1979-2014
Academic Supervisor: Anna A. Dekalchuk
Laureate Valeria Korshilova, second year of undergraduate study, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: National and Regional Ombudsman Interaction Models in Russia and Spain
Academic Supervisor: Alexander Nezdyurov
#2 Margarita Pavlova, fourth year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: The Culture Instead of Politics: Save the Architecture group as a sociocultural phenomena in the late Soviet history of Leningrad, 1986–1990
Academic Supervisor: Jeanne Kormina
The Augmented State Academic Scholarship
The students won in the year precedent to the current scholarship assignment, within the Contest of the Best Student Scientific Research (NIRS) held by HSE University St. Petersburg, adds another index in further student activities’ assessment: NIRS #1 – 20 points, #2 – 16 points, #3 – 14 points
#1 No award
#2 Vlada Kraynikova, third year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: Business Processes Optimization from the example of student organization ‘Students for Students’
Academic Supervisor: Elena V. Veretennik
#3 Ekaterina Nefedieva, fourth year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: Supply Chains Management in automotive industry’s enterprises
No academic supervision
Laureate Ekaterina Polozova, third year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: What is of More Interest to the Online University Stakeholders: Intellectual Capital Structure Approach
Academic Supervisor: Elena V. Veretennik
Laureate Anton Afanasiev, third year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: The Political Parties Positioning on the political market of St. Petersburg in 2011-2016
Academic Supervisor: Grigory L. Tulchinsky
#2 Ilya Morozov, fourth year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: The Elderly People Representation in Print Media, comparative analysis
Academic Supervisor: J. Zelikova
Laureate Vladimir Mikheev, first year, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: Religious Beliefs’ and Positions’ Autonomy Critics in Modern Psychology
Academic Supervisor: Pavel Nosachev
#3 Maxim Bakhtin, postgraduate of 2017, HSE St. Petersburg
Research Paper: Health and Labor Force Participation of Elderly Russians
Academic Supervisor: Ekaterina A. Aleksandrova