What is a Student Exchange?

Are you interested in studying abroad for a semester? It’s easy!

HSE University’s International Academic Mobility Programme (student exchange) offers students the opportunity to spend a semester or an entire academic year overseas at one of HSE University’s institutional partners.

Student exchanges are also a unique chance to improve your language and communication skills, as well as expand your academic and career opportunities, while also getting to know many new friends and future collaborators around the world!

Pursuing studies at a prestigious overseas university can be a valuable supplement to your diploma that can boost your competitiveness on today’s job market!

HSE University-St. Petersburg’s International Cooperation Centre announces a call for applications to take part in international mobility programmes at the start of each semester. Furthermore, students from each HSE University campus may take part in all-University competition for applications, which is coordinated by the Centre for International Student Mobility at the University’s Moscow campus.

Types of Mobility Programmes

  • student exchanges with HSE University-St. Petersburg’s partners (only for students at HSE University in St. Petersburg);
  • student exchange as part of all-university partnerships (open for students at all HSE University campuses);
  • double degree programmes;
  • language internships as part of intergovernmental programmes under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • individual exchange programmes (free mover programmes);
  • international summer and winter schools.


  • learners in government-funded or tuition-based places, who excel academically (without academic failures);
  • Bachelor’s students at HSE University-St. Petersburg, starting form the second year of study (students should have taken at least four examination periods);
  • Master’s students at HSE University-St. Petersburg, starting from the first year of study (students should have taken at least one examination period);
  • doctoral students at HSE University-St. Petersburg (if this type of mobility is covered by the exchange agreement for students);
  • priority is granted to students who previously did not take part in international mobility programmes.

Calls for applications to international academic mobility programmes under HSE University-St. Petersburg’s partnerships and all-university partnerships are announced two times a year at the start of each semester. You can read more about the programmes here!

General Provisions and Terms

  • Exchange students (with the exception of those organizing their own exchange, i.e., free movers) do not pay tuition fees for studies at their host university (however, other fees might be levied, e.g., registration fees, dorm accommodation, etc.);
  • Exchange students commonly bear costs for airline tickets and accommodation; nevertheless, full or partial scholarships are available to cover expenditures;
  • Your learning outcomes (credits) at the host university can be transferred towards your programme at HSE University, according to your individual curriculum;
  • The selection process is based on each applicant’s performance (i.e., their grade point average), proficiency in English (or another language, if required at the given host university) and one’s extracurricular activities (academic projects, volunteer work, working as an assistant, etc.);
  • Selection outcomes shall be approved by the Internationalization Committee at HSE University in St. Petersburg;
  • Each student may submit applications to several exchange programmes at the same time, but can only be nominated for one programme.

How can I apply for international academic mobility?

  • STEP 1:

    Find out when applications need to be submitted for your preferred mobility programme. Wait for when the next call for applications is announced.

  • STEP 2:

    Take a close look at the list of possible fields of study that you may pursue overseas and make a serious choice with two to three universities. Find out about the courses available for exchange students at these universities. Then, discuss your individual curriculum with your academic supervisor and the manager of your programme’s study office so that you can harmonize overseas studies with your programme of study at HSE University, as well as transfer credits. We strongly recommend starting this process earlier before the start of the application campaign.

  • STEP 3:

    Make sure that you check the language requirements of your selected field. Don’t forget to acquire a language certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, etc.), if required at the host institution. Furthermore, try to improve your language abilities if you feel there’s a need, as this is your key to success in studies overseas!

  • STEP 4:

    Try to gauge the costs you will likely need to bear during your exchange. Make sure you look into scholarship support options.

  • STEP 5:

    Start preparing your documents for submitting your application early.

  • STEP 6:

    When the call for applications is announced, visit the competition website and check the list of necessary documents, along with submission procedures.

  • STEP 7:

    File an application with all necessary documentation online (no need for hard copies!).

Some stats about HSE University-St. Petersburg’s international life:

  • over 650 international students (11% of the current student body) from over 70 countries study at HSE University in St. Petersburg;
  • a third of programmes offered at our campus are fully taught in English and do not require knowledge of Russia;
  • every year, 250-300 students take part in exchange programmes; our international partners include top universities and business schools in over 30 countries.  


All enquiries regarding international mobility and participation in international summer schools can be submitted to the International Cooperation Centre:

Tel.: +7 (812) 644-59-11 (ext. 61747)
Address:  Office 215, 123 Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboedova
Contact persons: Dasha Sanochkina and Elizaveta Kostyreva
E-mail: outgoingspb@hse.ru.
VK pagehttps://vk.com/studyabroadhsespb