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3 Kantemirovskaya Ulitsa, building 1A, St. Petersburg (metro station 'Lesnaya')
Phone: 8 (812) 644-59-11 *61540
In the 1st semester of the 2020/21 academic year, offline physical education classes are canceled.
All students of the general and intermediategroups are offered following alternative formats of class attendance to choose from:
Option 1.
Studying the online course "Physical Education". The student gets a pass bypassing the testafter completing the online course.
Option 2.
Doing sports on your own in the fitness club. The student gets a pass by submitting the contract andfitness membership evidence in current semester.
Option 3.
Attending synchronous physical education classes via Zoom.
Students choosethe type, day and time of classes in accordance with the schedule of classes on the Department of Physical Training website.Activities to choose from:therapeutic exercises, functional training, yoga. Classes do not require the use of special sports equipment.
The student gets a pass for attending 10 hours of classes in the 1st semester. Attendance records are kept in an electronic journal using a Zoom chat via QR codes sent by students.
In case of attending less than 10 hours of classes, the student does not get a pass. To get a passduring the retake period, the student needs to attend the lacking number of classes.
Students of special groups A and B are offered to study the online course "Physical Education". A student gets a pass by passing the test after completing the online course.
Automatic pass is provided for students who attend therapeutic exercises class in medical organizations and provide of attendance certificate for current semester.
Exchange students, as well as students who are allowed to study online are also offered the above options for attending physical education classes.
An automatic passis available for:
· master athletes, world-class athletes, winner and runners-up of Russian sport competitions;
· participants of regional and federal level competitions, members of campus representative teams at St Petersburg University Championship, Northwestern Federal District Competitions and other events held within one day, receive credit of 8 hours that count towards classattendance ratio;
· participants of long-term, seasonal regional and federal level competitions, members of campus representative teams at St Petersburg University Championship, Northwestern Federal District Competitions and other events that last for more than one day, receive credit of hours that count towards class attendance ratio accordingly with the time, spent at the event andmultiplied by 2.
Health statement form that indicates2-4 year student’s health group (general, intermediate, special A and special B) is received after medical check-up. The results of medical check-ups are kept at medical office at Promyshlennayast. 17, office 115. Link:https://spb.hse.ru/socq/medpomosh
First year students will have medical check-up in December 2020.