Tag "students"

On Russian Students' Day, HSE University-St Petersburg Opens a New Educational Space in Historical Rope Shop Building
A famous monument of constructivism—the Rope Shop of the Red Nailer factory—became a new educational building of HSE University-St Petersburg. Approximately four thousand students will study in the building at 25 Liniya Street on Vasilyevsky Island.

Art and Design School Becomes New Faculty at HSE University-St Petersburg
The Art and Design School has become a separate faculty within the structure of HSE University-St Petersburg. The new department includes the bachelor's and master's programmes in Design. Mitya Kharshak has been appointed dean of the faculty.

HSE University-St Petersburg at the Opening Ceremony of the St. Petersburg Young Design 2022 Competition
On September 15, the opening of the St. Petersburg Young Design 2022 competition for young designers took place in the amphitheatre of the Kirov Palace of Culture. Among the organisers was HSE University-St Petersburg. Anna Tyshetskaya, Director of the St Petersburg campus, and Dmitry Kharshak, Head of HSE Art and Design School, attended the opening ceremony.