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Statistical databases

World Bank Resources

World Development Indicators - a compilation of statistical data on more than 850 development indicators. Time series are presented starting from 1960 for 209 countries. The database covers economic, social, and financial indicators, as well as data on natural resources and the environment. The graphical representation of retrieved data is a useful feature.

International Debt Statistics - contains data on national debts and their repayment, foreign investments and financial flows of 135 developing countries. The data provided concerns the timeframe between 1970 and 2028 including assumed commitments of said countries. You can make handy charts of any received data.

World Bank e-Library - access to full-text books, reports, statistical compilations, and preprints produced by the World Bank―more than 8000 documents. New publications are posted on the site as soon as they appear in print.

Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected).


OECD iLibrary – OECD iLibrary is a database of all the information resources belonging to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), including books, periodicals, preprints, and specific statistical packages.

Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected).


IMF - access to the entire IMF platform, including books, analytical publications, reports, periodicals, and IMF statistics. Statistical resources include International Financial Statistics (key macroeconomic indicators), Balance of Payments Statistics, Direction of Trade Statistics, and Government Finance Statistics.

Online access from all computers on the HSE network and from any other location (password-protected).



STATISTA   is a global data and business intelligence platform with an extensive collection of statistics, reports, and insights on over 80,000 topics from 22,500 sources in 170 industries.

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