Printing and Scanning Services
In each building of HSE St. Petersburg you can find multifunction printers.
Where can I find an MFP?
- 3A Kantemirovskaya Street – the halls of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor
- 123 Griboyedova Canal Emb. – the Library hall (the 1st floor, Room 110)
- 16 Soyuza Pechatnikov Street – the 2nd floor hall
- 17 Promyshlennaya Street – the 1st floor hall
- 55 Sedova Street, Building 2 – the 1st floor hall
How much does it cost?
- 3 rubles for an A4 sheet
- 5 rubles for an A3 sheet
- Scanning – free of charge
How can I get access?
1. Top up your balance:
- Via the on-line HSE Saint Petersburg Payment form (specify in the relevant fields of the form: Division ID: 10.02; Purpose of payment: printing/copying).
2. Сonfirm the payment:
- Show the receipt (in a printed or an electronic format) to the librarian at any department of the Library. Otherwise you can send an electronic version of the receipt by e-mail
3. Activate your e-card (student entrance card):
- Send document to print.
- Select printer StudPrint/CorpPrint.
- In the following window enter your HSE student corporate e-mail.
- Go to MFP, attach your electronic pass (HSE e-card) to a reader terminal.
- If the MFP will offer to bind the e-card:
in the Name field, enter the corporate e-mail address,
in the Password field: password for corporate e-mail.
- Your e-card is activated. Please note: for further operations with MFP it will be required to attach your e-card to a reader terminal only. It is necessary to repeat the procedure also in case of changeover of your e-card.
If you have any questions, please contact the library staff:
Technical Support:
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To be used only for spelling or punctuation mistakes.