HSE Library Electronic Resources
HSE Library provides access to Electronic Resources for all users of HSE (Saint Petersburg):
- Online access from all computers on HSE network;
- From your personal device (laptop, etc.) connected to the HSE network;
- Outside the HSE local network via remote access to the HSE Library proxy server with the use of personal login and password.
How to get the remote access to the HSE Library Electronic Resources
You will need Chrome browser to use remote access. Please download and install special Chrome plug-in to work with our electronic subscription.
Register in the Library
To register in the Library, fill out the form. The notification will be sent to your HSE corporate e-mail address with your registration confirmation and an individual Library user PIN-code.
Get remote access to the Library's electronic resources
Input data into the registration form. Within 1-2 days, your login and password for the remote access to the HSE Library E-Resources will be sent on your HSE corporate e-mail address.
Important: it is necessary for the applicant to have an active HSE Library account (which means that you must be registered in the Library and have no overdue library books). Please note that the password is valid for 180 days. If you try to log in to the HSE Library Electronic Resources after this period expires, the new password will be sent by the system to your HSE corporate e-mail address within a day.
Also a registered HSE e-mail (name@hse.ru or name@edu.hse.ru) is required.
Applications for remote access sent from the Moscow Library site by campus users in St. Petersburg cannot be accepted for registration.
Procedures for Using Electronic Library Resources
If you have any questions, please contact the library staff: library-spb@hse.ru.
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