Visitors Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the library staff:
You can register at the Library through this link. Within one working day, a registration confirmation message with library user PIN-code will be sent to your corporate e-mail address. To complete registration, you should show your electronic pass to the librarian on duty when you visit the library in person.
A PIN-code is required to obtain a login and password for remote access to the HSE library electronic resources and also to be able to use self-checkout/check-in station.
Option 1
- You may order books via your personal account in the Printed materials catalogue .
Option 2
- You may visit the Library in person.
Deadlines for returning the textbooks are as follows:
- Module 1 – November, 15;
- Module 2 – January, 25;
- Module 3 – April, 15;
- Module 4 – July, 15.
The loan period for the books from the academic collection is 30 calendar days, but this period can be extended upon request in person or by phone.
To borrow a book, please contact librarian at the informational desk.
You can return a book to any of the four library divisions.
- You will be denied remote access to the electronic resources;
- You will not be able to borrow the books from printed collection.
If you lose a book received from the Library, you are obliged to replace it with the same publication, or to provide an edition recognized by the Library as equivalent.
The working hours of the reading rooms can be found on HSE St. Petersburg library website page through this link
You cannot borrow books marked with a special red sticker. You can use with them at the Library space and then leave them on the special shelf to continue working with them the next day.
HSE Library provides access to a variety of electronic collections relevant to the research areas and curricula of HSE. Online access from all computers on HSE network and from any other location (password-protected remote access) is available for all users of HSE St. Petersburg Library.
You can register for obtaining remote access to electronic resources through this link.
Within one or two working days your login and password will be sent to your corporate e-mail address.
Please note that the password is valid for 180 days. If you try to log in to the HSE Library Electronic Resources after this period expires, the new password will be sent by the system to your HSE corporate e-mail address within a day.
Transferring your registration data to another person is prohibited in accordance with the library rules and license agreements.
Use the TDNet Discover for searching across all e-resources by subject, title, author, key words.
In each HSE St. Petersburg building you can find multifunction printers available for copying and printing and scanning.
Where can I find an MFP?
- 3A Kantemirovskaya Street – the halls of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floor
- 16 Soyuza Pechatnikov Street – the 2nd floor hall
- 17 Promyshlennaya Street – the 1st floor hall
- 55 Sedova Street, Building 2 – the 1st floor hall
How much does it cost?
- 3 rubles for an A4 sheet
- 5 rubles for an A3 sheet
- Scanning – free of charge
The instruction is available through link on the Library's website.
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