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121 Naberezhnaya Kanala Griboedova, St. Petersburg 190069 Russia

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Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Witte
Head Georg Wilhelm Heinrich Witte
Dimitri Tokarev
Deputy Department Head Dimitri Tokarev
Musical Stimulacra: Literary Narrative and the Urge to Listen

Delazari I.

Vol. 130. NY; L.: Routledge, 2021.

Written vs generated text: “naturalness” as a textual and psycholinguistic category

Kolmogorova A. V, Margolina A. V.

Научный результат. Серия: Вопросы теоретической и прикладной лингвистики. 2024. Vol. 10. No. 2. P. 71-99.

Book chapter
Bridging Gaps in Russian Language Processing: AI and Everyday Conversations

Tatiana Sherstinova, Nikolay Mikhaylovskiy, Evgenia Kolpashchikova et al.

In bk.: Proceedings of the 35th Conference of Open Innovations Association FRUCT, 24-26 April 2024, Tampere, Finland. Iss. 1. FRUCT Oy, 2024. P. 253-258.

Commotion of language

"Commotionof language" is a series of public poetic "evenings" with contemporary poets and poetesses, organized by enthusiasts straight from the Department of Philology of the National Research University Higher School of Economics - St. Petersburg.