Taxes Applied to your Salary
*A tax resident is a citizen of any nation that has lived on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 183 days within the last 12 months.
**For more information on the HQS status see the HQS Card.
Taxes Applied to Other Payments
The HQS status does not give an employee the right to get a 13% tax applied to other payments such as settling-in or relocation allowances. Whether it's a 13% or 30% tax rate will fully depend on the tax status of the resident. A tax resident is a citizen of any nation that has lived on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 183 days within the last 12 months. Other foreign nationals are not considered to be tax residents in Russia. A 13% tax is applied to income and other payments of Russian tax residents, whereas the tax rate for non-resident individuals is 30%.
Tax Deduction and Tax Filing
All taxes are deducted from your salary automatically by the employer. This means that the actual sum you receive is your salary after taxes. It also means that you will not have to file taxes in Russia.
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