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HQS Card

What is an HQS card?

This is a work permit for a highly qualified specialist (HQS) on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Front and back of an HQS card


What are the advantages of having an HQS card?

  • Duration. The HQS card and consequently the HQS work visa are issued for the duration of the work contract concluded with the employer, but no longer than three years. The card and the visa can be renewed multiple times for periods up to three years based on the duration of the work contract.
  • Taxation. One of the benefits of having HQS status in Russia is that the tax rate applied to a salary is reduced to 13% irrespective of an individual’s tax residency status. This reduction comes into effect beginning with the start date of the HQS card, not the start date of the work contract. For more information on taxes see Taxation.
  • Registration. No registration is required for a stay of up to 90 days in Russia.


Am I eligible for an HQS card?

Research and teaching staff members who are invited to work at HSE can obtain an HQS card if

  • they are foreign nationals
  • their salary is no less than one million Russian roubles per annum
  • the validity of their passport is at least 3 years from the date of applying for an HQS card

How do I get an HQS card?

Issuance of an HQS card is initiated by the employer, HSE, together with the letter of invitation for the HQS work visa. The employee must receive the HQS card in person from the Russian Migration Service (Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation) upon arrival in Russia. Naturally, before the work permit is collected, the highly qualified specialist does not have authorization to work even with the signed work contract. This is therefore one of the first things that must be done upon arrival. You will be accompanied to the Migration office.


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