Tag "students"

Situation Centre Created at HSE University

© HSE – St. Petersburg
On February 25, at the initiative of the Student Council, a Situation Centre was created at HSE University. HSE University – St. Petersburg administration and the Student Council will take part in the joint organisation of the work of the Situation Centre. Psychologists, lawyers, employees of educational offices and other HSE departments will be involved in the work at the Centre.

Students of HSE University in St. Petersburg Win First Round of ICPC Semifinals

Students of HSE University in St. Petersburg Win First Round of ICPC Semifinals
Students of the St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science Vasily Alferov, Konstantin Makhnev and Maxim Surkov, have won the online round of the ICPC semi-final - student world programming championship. A team from the Faculty of Computer Science of HSE University in Moscow is also in the top three. In addition, three more teams from HSE Moscow and St. Petersburg made it through to the next round.

Winners of International Olympiad in Informatics for High Schoolers Choose to Study at HSE

Winners of International Olympiad in Informatics for High Schoolers Choose to Study at HSE
Two members of the Russian team that took the gold at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) 2019 were excused from their entrance exams and gained entrance to HSE University. Vladimir Romanov will be enrolling in the Faculty of Computer Science at HSE’s Moscow campus, and Alexander Morozov will be matriculating at the St. Petersburg School of Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science at HSE’s St. Petersburg campus.
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