St Petersburg School of Art and Design

Tag "new at HSE"

On Russian Students' Day, HSE University-St Petersburg Opens a New Educational Space in Historical Rope Shop Building

On Russian Students' Day, HSE University-St Petersburg Opens a New Educational Space in Historical Rope Shop Building
A famous monument of constructivism—the Rope Shop of the Red Nailer factory—became a new educational building of HSE University-St Petersburg. Approximately four thousand students will study in the building at 25 Liniya Street on Vasilyevsky Island.

How to Open a Door to the World of Fashion. Interview with Leonid Alekseev

How to Open a Door to the World of Fashion. Interview with Leonid Alekseev
In 2024, the applicants for the St Petersburg School of Art and Design will be able to choose a new educational track 'Fashion Design'. We talked to Leonid Alekseev—the track supervisor, a fashion designer and founder of the brand 'House of Leo'—about St Petersburg style, the fashion industry, launching his own brand, cooperation with the Mariinsky Theatre and what the students will learn over four years of the studies.

Art and Design School in St Petersburg to Open New Educational Track in Fashion Design

Art and Design School in St Petersburg to Open New Educational Track in Fashion Design
From 2024, applicants to the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School will be able to choose a new educational track in Fashion Design—a unique programme in the city's fashion industry.