In the latest part of a series exploring St Petersburg and the Leningrad region with HSE professors, art historian Ksenia Malich talks about why it is hard to see the Twelve Collegia as an administrative building, which library sceptics of modernism should see, and which poet you can meet in the city centre.
Tag "ideas & experience"
'City Legends' is a new feature on our website. Here, you will find interesting stories about St Petersburg, its life, citizens and architecture. The series starts with an interview with Mitya Kharshak, Director of HSE University-St Petersburg School of Art and Design. Find out how scaffolds changed the image of the city, in what way Mitya's family is connected with the art of Leningrad-St Petersburg, the Russian Museum and how fonts on the tablets help people to capture the zeitgeist in the article.
Andrey Lyublinskiy, Curator at the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School, designed the show of the 2023 spring-summer collection in the BoscoVesna mall on Novy Arbat in the middle of April. Design students also participated in the digital part of the show in real time, creating NFT characters and animations.