HSE Ranks 23rd in QS EECA Rankings
For the second year in a row, the Higher School of Economics has improved its position in the QS EECA Rankings, placing 23rd among universities from emerging European and Central Asian countries.
A total of 107 Russian universities were ranked, 12 of which made it into the top 50.
The QS EECA (Emerging Europe & Central Asia) Ranking was first compiled in 2014 with 100 universities. It was expanded in 2016 to include 300 positions.
The current version of the ranking added one more indicator to its core set of nine – international research network (10% of the overall ranking). This was added following a drop in the weight of the indicators faculty-to-student ratio (from 15% to 10%) and web impact (from 10% to 5%). The weight of the other seven indicators went unchanged: academic reputation (30%), employer reputation (20%), papers per faculty (10%), staff with PhD (5%), citations per paper (5%), percentage of international students (2.5%), and percentage of international faculty (2.5%).