HSE University Graduates to Be Able to Receive Diplomas in NFT Format
HSE University and the social network VK are launching a pilot project to issue NFT diplomas. The diplomas will take the form of digital images with programmed metadata about the graduate, their educational programme, and year of graduation. Graduates of 38 continuing professional education programmes at the Faculty of Law from 2019–2023 will be the first to receive such diplomas. Based on the results of the pilot project, the possibility of implementing the innovation in other faculties and educational programmes will be considered.

‘Creating a Project Collider’: Dean of School of Social Sciences and Area Studies on Plans to Develop the Faculty
In 2023, Alexander Sorokin became the new dean of the School of Social Sciences and Area Studies. Among his research interests are socio-environmental research and social research into higher education, and science. In this interview, Prof. Sorokin talks about new educational programmes, partner research, and mobility directions.

HSE University and Leading Universities in Brazil to Prepare Joint Cooperation Programmes
In the framework of a major academic mission to Latin America, a delegation from HSE University visited the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV), a Brazilian higher education institution and analytical centre for training specialists in administration. Representatives of FGV have expressed their interest in signing a cooperation agreement in the spheres of media communications and game theory.