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Start Illuminating. 5 Reasons Why

Start Illuminating. 5 Reasons Why

This is to explain the reasons of initiating this project - HSE Illuminated, an online magazine by students about non-academic activities, campus life, faces and organizations of HSE in St. Petersburg.

No prizes for guessing why we named it HSE Illuminated. Of course, the title refers to “Everything Is Illuminated”, a novel by Jonathan Safran Foer, and it should shed some light on the aim of this project.

Real students' life in Saint-Petersburg campus is far richer than it looks for the students who don’t speak Russian.

There is a lack of information in English. Most of announcements, news and invitations are published on Russian version of HSE site, in VK groups, etc.

But one day this situation should start changing. And we’re sure it is Today.

Our project is open for everybody. Both writers and readers together create common information environment and build an international student community.

Here are the 5 reasons why to join HSE Illuminated:

Express yourself

Improve your writing skills, share your views and ideas, enjoy being open

Make a change

Share your concerns, launch the discussion, make the university better

Be where the action is

Observe the most important events in the campus life, talk to interesting and influential people


Make the students of the campus closer, help to overcome the separation into Russian and international students, build the community


Be a beacon, shine and show the real face of HSE student life, light the way for the opportunities


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