День мировой политики
Программа Дня мировой политики | World Politics Day Program
Внимание! Если Вы не получили ссылку на Zoom, пожалуйста, обратитесь по адресу ykabanov@hse.ru
Important! If you have not received a link to Zoom, please contact us at ykabanov@hse.ru
12:00 – 12:20
Открытие | Opening [RUS / ENG]
Zoom 1
12:20 – 13:20
Лекция | Сonférence
Франкофония и мировая политика | Francophonie et géopolitique [RUS / FRA]
Партнер: Французский клуб НИУ ВШЭ | Partenaire: Сlub français HSE
Спикеры | Intervenants:
Вера Агеева, доцент НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург, руководитель Французского клуба НИУ ВШЭ | Vera Ageeva, professeur associée à HSE et présidente du Club Français HSE
Бенжамин Бутен, президент международной организации «Франкофония без границ»| Benjamin Boutin, président de l´association «Francophonie sans frontières»
Zoom 1
13:20 – 13:30
Перерыв | Break
13:30 – 14:20
Мастерские | Workshops
Zoom 1
Переговоры и soft skills в бизнесе и повседневности [RUS]
Партнер: Ufights St.Petersburg
UFights - крупнейшее в России молодежное объединение, занимающееся технологиями Таллинской Школы Менеджеров, а также другими практическими методиками, которые способствуют развитию навыков soft skills.
Zoom 2
How to Craft a Speech and Sound Confident without a Speechwriter [ENG]
Yaroslav Yasko, chair of the HSE St.Petersburg Student Council, TEDxHSESaint-Petersburg organizer
14:20 – 14:30
Интерактив от HSEIMUN
14:30 – 15:00
Перерыв | Break
15:00 – 15:50
Playing global politics in the classroom: The use of simulations for training students to comprehend the world [ENG]
Daniela Irrera, University of Catania, Secretary General of the Italian Political Science Association (SISP), Member of the ISA Governing Council, Chair of the ECPR Standing on International Relations, President of the European Peace Research Association.
The presentation discusses the use of simulations as an active learning tool and is mainly based on Game of Peace, a negotiation model I have developed for encompassing students of International Studies in taking on the role of several factions involved in a civil war, or of the international mediator that have intervened to try to bring peace and stability to a country torn by a civil conflict. It is divided in three parts. In the first one, the major benefits and pedagogical impact of active learning tools are briefly assessed. In the second part, Game of Peace experience is presented in its major steps, roles and interactional features. Lastly, its main outcomes are presented for discussing its potential use in various international studies courses and with different student populations.
Partner: MA Programme in Comparative Politics of Eurasia
Zoom 1
15:50 – 16:00
Интерактив от HSEIMUN
16:00 – 16:10
Перерыв | Break
16:10 – 17:00
Мастерские | Workshops
Zoom 1
How to break the language barrier and get rid of the fear of speaking English [ENG]
Partner: English-speaking club "Talking Crows HSE SPb"
How to break the language barrier and get rid of the fear of speaking English? At the workshop you will:
- learn tips on how to break down the language barrier and stop being afraid of speaking English
- get to know each other while playing the ice breaking game
- practice the speaking skills by taking part in the debates.Zoom 2
Лидерство и карьера в ООН [RUS]
Партнер: AIESEC St. Petersburg
Дарья Антипенкова, руководитель локального отделения AIESEC Saint-Petersburg
17:00 - 17:10
Лекции | Lectures
Zoom 1
The Politics of the Star Wars:
Yury Kabanov, senior lecturer of the HSE - St. Petersburg, deputy academic supervisor of the BA Programme in Political Science and World Politics
Everybody who has watched the Star Wars once, knows that the movies has a lot of political concepts. But how close is the saga to reality? Can we learn something new about our own world, exploring the politics of the Galaxy far, far away? During the lecture you will learn, what political theories help to explain political conflicts of the Star Wars universe, and why the Galaxy has become a failed state.
Zoom 2
Мягкая сила мультфильмов: Детская анимация в мировой политике
Дмитрий Рябов, приглашенный преподаватель НИУ ВШЭ - Санкт-Петербург
Лекция посвящена тому, как мультфильмы участвуют в мировой политическом процессе. Мы вспомним основные вези развития анимации: от "Союзмультфильма" до Уолта Диснея и современной мультипликации. Затем посмотрим, как анимация использовалась во внутренней и мировой политике, и как на мультфильмы реагировали государственные и общественные институты
18:00 – 18:30
Перерыв | Break
18:30 – 18:50
Интерактив от HSEIMUN
18:50 – 19:40
How to learn a country: A guide for MUN Delegates [ENG]
Denis Mukha, Isa Dzhavadov, students of the HSE - St.Petersburg, HSEIMUN organizers
19:40 - 20:00
Закрытие, обратная связь | Closing, feedback [RUS / ENG]