About HSE — Saint-Petersburg Student Council
What is HSE — Saint-Petersburg Student Council?
HSE — Saint-Petersburg Student Council is elected representative body of the Higher School of Economics in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Our main goal is to represent and defend the interests of students of the Higher School of Economics in Saint-Petersburg wherever it is possible.
The power behind our Student Council includes consideration, formation of opinions and recommendations regarding all issues affecting the rights and legitimate interests of students (increased scholarships, hostels, educational process, etc.)
Our staff
According to current regulations, HSE — Saint-Petersburg Student Council includes:
— 2 representatives of each Bachelor program;
— 1 representative of all Master programmes of each faculty;
— 1 representative of the Association of International Students;
— 1 representative of the Association of Student Organisations;
— 2 representatives of the Dormitory Students Council;
— 1 representative of all postgraduate students In the campus.
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