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Address: 17 Promyshlennaya ul., room 305, 198099, Saint Petersburg.

Phone/fax: (812) 785-25-40

Email: urdekanat@hse.spb.ru; gpipkaf@hse.spb.ru

Department Head Nikita Ivanov
Czech Yearbook of International Law. International Dispute Resolution

Sergeev A., Tereshchenko T.

Vol. 7. The Hague: Lex Lata BV, 2016.

Book chapter
The Flexibility of the Arbitration Procedure

Sergeev A., Tereshchenko T.

In bk.: Czech (& Central European) yearbook of arbitration. Volume VII, 2017, Conduct of arbitration. Vol. 12. NY: Juris, 2017. P. 135-152.