Participants of the Research Group at DTGS'17
21-23 of June the conference "DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION AND GLOBAL SOCIETY" (DTGS'17) was held at the ITMO University. It was organized by the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg and the ITMO University. The particiants of our Reseach Groop took part and presented thei works.
The main mission of DTGS is to produce the common platform for scientists and practitioners to discuss the transformational impact of digital technologies on how we work and live, focusing on the social and technical aspects of cyberspace. The main topics were included: eSociety: social informatics, digital sociology, cyber activism; ePolity: politics, governance and civic participation in cyberspace; eFinance: new forms and methods of ICT-enabled financial behavior; eEconomy: digital economy and markets; eCity: urban environment and Smart City; eHealth: eHealth technologies and their social effects.
Under the direction of Ilya Musabirov participants of our Researc Group introduced their researches. Nikita Kaspruk, Olga Silyutina and Viktor Karepin presented the work "Hotel value dimensions and tourists' perception of the city. The case of St.Petersburg ", during which they analyzed reviews of Saint Petersburg hotels with TripAdvisor service. The aim of the work was to reveal the vision of the city by guests of different categories of hotels. Stanislav Pozdnyakov and Anastasia Kuznetsova analyzed the activity of the university online. During their work, "Analyzing Web Presence of Russian Universities in Scientometric Context", not only the publication activity of universities on foreign and Russian journals were studied, but also the degree of their mention in the media, on the sites of top companies and the context in which universities are mentioned.
Olga Silyutina, who presented her first conference report, shares her impressions:
DTGS'17 turned out to be a unique experience for me, as it was the first international conference that I visited as a speaker. The presentation of the scientific work, which we carried out together with Nikita Kaspruk, Viktor Karepin and Ilya Musabirov, was accepted by the audience with great interest. Many questions and comments came from the audience regarding the continuation, expansion and development of our ongoing research. After the session, the professor of the MIT laboratory, Carlos Gershenson, approached us to discuss the data used in our study and to offer even more useful resources
Olga Silyutina
2nd year student of BA "Sociology"