Ira Krylova on Saint Petersburg R User Group
Maps and geodata: Ira Krylova's report on St. Petersburg R User Group
On October 30, 2016 in St. Petersburg the meeting of community St.Petersburg R user group took place. The 3rd year student of BA "Sociology", the Research Assistant of the Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science and also the participant of our Research Group, Irina Krylova was one of speakers. Her talk was simple, but very interesting: "Some Opportunities of Visualization Geodata in R". She told about the use of shape-files, making interactive maps and geocoding in R.
It was an interesting and important experience of performance for Irina. Ira on her impressions about meetup:
"I was invited to meetup of R User Group by the leader of this community Anton Antonov. The topic was chosen by me independently. As I am very interested in maps I have decided to talk about it. I felt a bit nervous because the audience was full of adult programmers. However my theme was new for them and the report was informative, which is very pleasant. Feedbacks were positive, someone approached me with questions and opinions, there were suggestions for improvement of the format of my performance. It was interesting to prepare and act, I really liked it all!
Ira's report is closely connected with her subject in Research Group - creation of ratings taking into account a georeferenced data.