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Regular version of the site
Multi-corpus emotion recognition method based on cross-modal gated attention fusion

Ryumina Elena, Ryumin Dmitry, Axyonov Alexandr et al.

Pattern Recognition Letters. 2025. No. 190. P. 192-200.

Book chapter
Sustainable Cooperation in a Bicriteria Game of Renewable Resource Extraction

Kuzyutin D., Smirnova N.

In bk.: Third International Conference, MSBC 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 18–20, 2024, Proceedings. Modeling and Simulation of Social-Behavioral Phenomena in Creative Societies. CCIS, volume 2211. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 6. P. 70-84.

Working paper
Inverse problems for Jacobi operators with finitely supported perturbations

Korotyaev E., Леонова Е. О.

Statistical mechanics. arXie. arXive, 2022

Key Areas of Research

The Department of Mathematics is actively involved in academic research in Russia and abroad. Staff regularly take part in summer schools and conferences, round tables, work placements and further qualification programmes, apply best practice of Russian and foreign specialists in mathematics and business informatics. The knowledge and experience they have acquired is used in research and feeds into the education process for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.

These are just a few of the events of the current academic year:

  • the Summer School in Mathematical Finance run by the International Laboratory of Quantitative Finance (ILQF),
  • the Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR),
  • under the auspices of the School of Economics students train for the interuniversity olympiad in mathematics on a regional and international level.