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Regular version of the site
Inverse Resonance Problems for Energy-Dependent Potentials on the Half-Line

Korotyaev E., Mantile A., Mokeev D.

SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis. 2024. Vol. 56. No. 2. P. 2115-2148.

Book chapter
Sustainable Cooperation in a Bicriteria Game of Renewable Resource Extraction

Kuzyutin D., Smirnova N.

In bk.: Third International Conference, MSBC 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, September 18–20, 2024, Proceedings. Modeling and Simulation of Social-Behavioral Phenomena in Creative Societies. CCIS, volume 2211. Cham: Springer, 2024. Ch. 6. P. 70-84.

Working paper
Inverse problems for Jacobi operators with finitely supported perturbations

Korotyaev E., Леонова Е. О.

Statistical mechanics. arXie. arXive, 2022

Workshop and Winter School ‘Spaces of Analytic Functions and Singular Integrals (SAFSI2014)’ Were Held in St. Petersburg

On December 1-5, 2014 the Workshop and Winter School ‘Spaces of Analytic Functions and Singular Integrals (SAFSI2014)’ took place in St. Petersburg.

The event was organized by the Chebyshev Laboratory of St. Petersburg State University in cooperation with St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Mathematical Institute. Anton Baranov, Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics, was a member the organizing committee.

During the event prominent mathematicians, including Nikolai Nikolski (University Bordeaux 1), Joaquim Ortega-Cerda (University of Barcelona), Hervé Queffélec (University of Lille), and Richard Rochberg (Washington University in St. Louis) delivered a series of lectures. Other participants also presented their reports. The workshop is a part of the Russian Science Foundation project for international cooperation.