Tag "master's programmes "

HSE SPB Day 2024: Most Heartwarming Festival of September in 'Sevkabel Port'
One life is too short to get to know HSE University-St Petersburg thoroughly. But to get acquainted with it well, one HSE SPB Day will be enough. On September 13, we invite the first-years and everyone interested to 'Sevkabel Port' for a kaleidoscope of pleasant emotions and impressions. We will show you how eventful and interesting university years will be and introduce you to the professors, business partners and other active students. Find out what other surprises we have prepared in the article.

New Programmes—New Impressions: What the First-Years Say about Studying at HSE University
In 2022, HSE University-St Petersburg opened three new Bachelor's programmes: 'Media Communications', 'International Bachelor in Business and Economics', 'Digital Platforms and Logistics'. There is one new Master's programme as well: 'Design'. It has been a month since the studies started, so we decided to share the students' impressions of the programmes and tell about the peculiarities of the education at HSE University one more time.