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Tag "students"

Illustration for news: Situation Centre Created at HSE University

Situation Centre Created at HSE University

On February 25, at the initiative of the Student Council, a Situation Centre was created at HSE University. HSE University – St. Petersburg administration and the Student Council will take part in the joint organisation of the work of the Situation Centre. Psychologists, lawyers, employees of educational offices and other HSE departments will be involved in the work at the Centre.

Illustration for news: HSE University – Saint Petersburg Goes Online from October 25

HSE University – Saint Petersburg Goes Online from October 25

Due to the threat of the spread of the novel coronavirus infection COVID-19 and in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, HSE University – St. Petersburg will temporarily switch to a distance learning. The order signed by Anna Tyshetskaya, Director of HSE University’s campus in St. Petersburg.

Illustration for news: The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg

The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg

The HSE St. Petersburg administration has issued an order ‘On the specifics of organizing the educational process with the participation of students and postgraduates of HSE University – St. Petersburg in the 2021–2022 academic year’. The order outlines measures to protect students from COVID-19 for the 2021/2022 academic year.

Illustration for news: HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29

HSE University — St. Petersburg Partially Resumes Offline Classes Starting from March 29

HSEUniversity — St. Petersburg resumes offline classes and switches over to blended format from March 29, 2021. Sergey M. Kadochnikov, the Director of HSE University — St. Petersburg, has signed the directive.

Proctoring is not scary

A guide for students about proctoring

Illustration for news: With Love to Saint Petersburg: How International Students Study Remotely

With Love to Saint Petersburg: How International Students Study Remotely

When HSE University — Saint Petersburg switched to distance learning, our international students had to make a difficult decision: stay in Russia or return home. The HSE St. Petersburg Editorial Office found out how the students deal with self-isolation in the dormitory and at home, what has changed in their educational process and what they do in their spare time.

Illustration for news: 11 Questions about Distance Learning

11 Questions about Distance Learning

On April 6, the 4th module started at HSE University - Saint Petersburg. Study process switches to distant form. How will it be organized? What do I do with the Physical Education classes? How will I defend my thesis? Natalia Chicherina, Professor and Deputy Director, answers the questions about distance learning.

The updated requirements to pass the physical training course (HSE-Saint-Petersburg)

Talking about changes

Illustration for news: HSE Decides on New Grading System for Next School Year

HSE Decides on New Grading System for Next School Year

The Academic Council has confirmed a new draft of the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments of Students at the Higher School of Economics.

How to Switch Programmes at HSE

If you are an HSE student and interested in transferring to another programme (or HSE regional campus), December is one of the two best months of the year to do that.