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‘Working at HSE University is a source of immense satisfaction’

Magdalena Alejandra Gaete Sepúlveda, St Petersburg School of Social Sciences

My path through academia has been both international and interdisciplinary, reflecting my deep commitment to understanding the multifaceted nature of Higher Education and its impact on society. My academic journey began in Chile, where in 1999, I obtained my degree in Social Media Communication at the University of Viña del Mar. This foundational experience set the stage for my lifelong interest in communication within the educational sector. My quest for knowledge then led me to Europe, I immersed myself in the study of Philosophy and Theology at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy (2003-2006). This period was instrumental in shaping my philosophical approach to education and research, deeply influencing my subsequent work and research interests.

Most recently, in 2023, I completed my PhD in Education, Communication, and Humanities at UIC Barcelona University in Spain. This advanced study allowed me to further refine my focus on reputation management and the sociology of Higher Education, particularly how universities navigate their role within society and contribute to a better future for younger generations.

My academic journey has been fueled by an innate curiosity about how universities intersect with society. From an early interest in social communication within the realm of Higher Education's social sciences, my focus has sharpened to reputation management and the sociology of Higher Education. Central to my research is the exploration of Higher Education's purpose, governance, reputation management, and its transformative role in society—aiming to foster a brighter future for younger generations. This drive stems from my ambition to decode the intricacies of sustainability in Higher Education and its societal impact.

Throughout my career, I've reached several key milestones, including publications in prestigious outlets and active participation in numerous international conferences. Indeed, I've been a speaker at over 70 international venues, sharing insights and engaging with global academic communities.

My work has significantly advanced the understanding of Higher Education's purpose and evolution, contributing to the fields of Service Learning and enhancing student and university social responsibility. Joining HSE University-St Petersburg was a calculated move driven by my desire to impact a vibrant academic environment. The creation of the Reputation Lab was a direct response to aligning my expertise and research interests with HSE's mission. My background in Higher Education studies facilitated my integration into the faculty.


Working at HSE University is a source of immense satisfaction. The university's dynamic, supportive atmosphere ignites my passion for research and teaching. I treasure the camaraderie and openness to innovation here, which inspire my daily interactions with brilliant students and colleagues. These collaborations, and the chance to contribute to academia, make my role deeply rewarding.


In my current leadership position at the Laboratory for Reputation Management in Education, I oversee research on university reputation and management. This includes projects on universities' social missions, sustainability, and Project Service Learning, among others. I curate and participate in international research projects such as ‘City Human Potential Ranking’ with the Panamericana University in Mexico or ‘Project Mirror Lab: ‘Reflecting Impact: The Cross-Country Analysis for Social Entrepreneurship in Malaysia and Russia’ with UTM University in Malaysia, focusing on enhancing educational institutions' societal impact and reputation through strategic practices. This work merges my interests in sustainability in Higher Education and social impact with practical applications, enriching both my academic and professional journey.