Tag "Reporting an event"

'The Management System Used in HSE Helps Me a Lot Even Now'

'The Management System Used in HSE Helps Me a Lot Even Now'
Programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' Alumna Valeria Panchenko tells about her job in IR Iran and useful skills gained through Master's studies

'We Welcome Students with Different Backgrounds If They Are Willing to Work Hard and Try New Things'

'We Welcome Students with Different Backgrounds If They Are Willing to Work Hard and Try New Things'
Associate Professor Svetlana Krivokhizh, one of the founders of the Master's Programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia', discusses the reasons for launching the Programme, the success of the programme's first graduating class, and the requirements for programme applicants.

Our Programme Student Won an Oxford Russian Fund Scholarchip!

Our Programme Student Won an Oxford Russian Fund Scholarchip!
Maria Krasilova reports on her participation in the Fund's Workshop and excelling in the scholarship competition. 

'Golden Reference' Award: Aigul Mavletova is the Winner!

'Golden Reference' Award: Aigul Mavletova is the Winner!
Aigul Mavletova, LCSR Senior Research Fellow, has become a winner of 'Golden Reference' Award — 2019. It is the second time in quite short history of the Award (since 2016) when LCSR research fellow becomes the winner. Congratulations!

Anna Ilina has studied the problem on the women’s rights in the Islamic communities of Germany

Anna Ilina has studied the problem on the women’s rights in the Islamic communities of Germany
This year alumna Anna Ilina tells about her participation in the Summer School by Humboldt University in Berlin.

Dilia Karamova took part in the "Rediscovering Russia" Expedition

Dilia Karamova took part in the "Rediscovering Russia" Expedition
Programme "Business and Politics in Modern Asia" student shares her impressions of the trip to Dagestan.

“You’re lucky if you are here!”

Anna Zheltoukhova
First year student Anna Zheltoukhova tells about her King's College London exchange experience.

1st year student of Master’s Programme “Business and Politics in Modern Asia” took part in the international students’ forum “Global Opportunities in Business and Investment” in Turkey in March

1st year student of Master’s Programme “Business and Politics in Modern Asia” took part in the international students’ forum “Global Opportunities in Business and Investment” in Turkey in March
Dilia Karamova tells about her experience at the students’ summit in Istanbul

Hero of Anti-Apartheid Movement Albie Sachs Visited HSE Saint-Petersburg

On September 27 an outstanding South African lawyer, judge of the Constitutional Court of South Africa (1994-2009) Albert (“Albie”) Sachs gave a lecture called "Forging a Constitution for the New South Africa: from Racism to Equal Rights for All", sharing his experience with the students and academic staff of the HSE.

Minorities in Asia and Africa in Focus

Minorities in Asia and Africa in Focus
On 9-10 October 2015 Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg hosted the international conference “Minorities and Conflicts: Asia and African states in the Modern World”, which was organized by the Department of Asian and African Studies and the Centre for Asian and African Studies. The conference welcomed Russian and international researchers from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Armenia, Turkey South Africa and South Korea, as well as students and PhD candidates from St. Petersburg’s universities.