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Regular version of the site
Board monitoring and corporate disclosure: the role of the institutional environment and firm-level governance

Muravyev A.

Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies. 2024. Vol. ahead-of-print. No. ahead-of-print.

Book chapter
Global cognitive graph properties dynamics of hippocampal formation

Sorokin K., Beketov M., Magaj G. et al.

In bk.: Data Analytics and Management in Data Intensive Domains, 25th International Conference, DAMDID/RCDL 2023, Moscow, Russia, October 24–27, 2023, Revised Selected Papers. Vol. 2086: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer, 2024. P. 77-87.

Working paper
Equilibrium existence and uniqueness in additive trade models

Slepov Fedor, Kokovin S. G.

Basic research program. WP BRP. National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2023. No. 262/EC/2023.

Research & Expertise – News

The paper written by the professor of the Department of Economics is accepted for publication in the Journal of Urban Economics

The paper «Why do newer cities promise higher wages in Russia?» written by Alexander Skorobogatov, the professor of the Department of Economics, is accepted for publication in the Journal of Urban Economics.

What happens after 4%?

What happens after 4%?
Director of the department of economics and academic head of MA Program in Applied Economics and Mathematical Methods Sergey Slobodyan talked at the XXVI International Financial Congress “Finance for Development”, which took place July 12-14, 2017 in St Petersburg with support from the Central Bank of Russia.

Professor Svetlana Boyarchenko

We are glad to announce forthcoming open research seminar of St Petersburg School of Economics and Management with support from European University in St Petersburg. Professor Svetlana Boyarchenko (The University of Texas at Austin) will present his paper «STRATEGIC EXPERIMENTATION WITH ERLANG BANDITS». The seminar will take place on March, 10, 2017, at 17:30, at Kantemirovskaya 3A, room 343.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to: ykaprova@hse.ru.

Professor Mikhail Anufriev

We are glad to announce forthcoming open research seminar of St Petersburg School of Economics and Management with support from European University in St Petersburg. Professor Mikhail Anufriev (University of Technology, Sydney/European University at St.Petersburg) will present his paper «Simple Forecasting Heuristics that Make us Smart: Evidence from Different Market Experiments» (joint with Cars Hommes and Tomasz Makarewicz). The seminar will take place on Jan 27, 2017, at 17:30, at Kantemirovskaya 3A, room 345.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to: ykaprova@hse.ru.

Professor Štěpán Jurajda

We are glad to announce forthcoming open research seminar of St Petersburg School of Economics and Management HSE. Professor Štěpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI) will present his paper «Comparing Real Wage Rates using McWages». The seminar will take place on Nov 25, 2016, at 17:30, at Kantemirovskaya 3A, room 346.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to: eavdonina@hse.ru.

«International Trade and Spatial Economics» workshop

Center for Market Studies and Spatial Economics is organizing an international workshop «International Trade and Spatial Economics». 
Among invited speakers are: Levent Celik (HSE), David Gomtsyan (Turin University), Sergey Kapelyuk (Siberian University of Consumer Cooperation), Jos van Ommeren (Free University of Amsterdam), Pierre Picard (University of Luxembourg), Stephan Heblich (University of Bristol). 
The workshop will take place at the HSE - Saint Petersburg building located at 16 Soyuza Pechatnikov street (room 219).

Professor Cars Hommes has been visiting the Department of Economics at the HSE St. Petersburg

On Friday and Saturday, October 21-22, Professor Cars Hommes from the University of Amsterdam has been visiting the Department of Economics at the HSE St. Petersburg.

Professor Cars Hommes

We are glad to announce forthcoming open research seminar of St Petersburg School of Economics and Management with support from European University in St Petersburg and Dutch Institute. A well-known specialist in experimental economics and expectations formation, professor Cars Hommes (University of Amsterdam) will present his paper «Expectations in the Laboratory. The seminar will take place on Oct 21, 2016, at 17:30, at Kantemirovskaya 3A, room 346.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to: eavdonina@hse.ru.

New International Labs at HSE St. Petersburg to Study Economy of Health and Game Theory

On June 26, the HSE Academic Council approved the opening of two new international laboratories. Specifically, the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management will gain a laboratory for the study of healthcare economics, management, and policy, as well as a laboratory for game theory and decision-making. The labs' academic supervisors will be renowned international scholars.

Papers by Staff of the Department of Economics at the XVI April International Academic Conference

The XVI April International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development, which will take place in Moscow from April 7 – 10, 2015, is one of the key academic events of the year. Thirteen professors of the St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management Department of Economics will speak at the conference.