An interview with CHEMP Senior research fellow Peter Meylakhs on AIDS-dissidents
December 1st is World AIDS Day, its main idea is to raise global awareness about the disease. Researchers from St. Petersburg HSE campus have studied the movement of the AIDS dissidents for two years - people who deny the existence of this disease.
CHEMP Work in Progress Seminar II:Issues in Russian Health and Health Care
The 2nd CHEMP work in progress seminar took place on Tuesday 12th April at Kantemirovskaya from 3.30 pm until around about 6.00 pm.
The purpose of such workshops will be to share ideas across the workstreams and with colleagues outside of the workstreams, provide an opportunity for individuals to present work in progress and receive feedback, and in particular, to provide an informal setting for our CHEMP interns to discuss and present the progress of their work.
Joint CHEMP-EUSP Workshop
Yulia Raskina and Julia Zelikova will be presenting their work on healthy ageing at a joint CHEMP – EUSP workshop being hosted at European University St. Petersburg on March 14th 2016.