Research Seminar at CHEMP (12 December)
On 12 December at 16:50 CHEMP’s research seminar will be held in room 247 (Kantemirovskaya 3A str.). During the seminar the following topics will be covered: the concept of health inequalities and unfair treatment in healthcare, informatization of healthcare and heterocentrism on the Russian labour market.
An interview with CHEMP Senior research fellow Peter Meylakhs on AIDS-dissidents
December 1st is World AIDS Day, its main idea is to raise global awareness about the disease. Researchers from St. Petersburg HSE campus have studied the movement of the AIDS dissidents for two years - people who deny the existence of this disease.
Fear and Uncertainty Lead to AIDS Denialism
December 1 marked World AIDS Day, the purpose of which is to increase global awareness of the disease. Researchers from HSE’s campus in St. Petersburg have spent the last two years studying a movement of individuals called ‘AIDS dissidents,’ or people who deny the existence of AIDS. Peter Meylakhs, Senior Research Fellow with the International Centre for Health Economics, Management, and Policy at HSE St. Petersburg, discusses some of his research results below.
The Highly Sensitive Topic of Health Economics in Russia discussed at HSE St. Petersburg
The workshop on 'Health Economics in Russia: past, present and future?' was hosted by the International Centre for Health Economics, Management and Policy (CHEMP) of HSE Saint Petersburg on March 21, 2016 within the International Spatial Development Forum.