Academic Committee

Publisher of the magazine “Expert. North-West", candidate of cultural studies
Head of the Media Department, Associate Professor, Candidate of Political Sciences
Head of the programme, associate professor, candidate of political sciences
Head of the Laboratory of Social and Cognitive Informatics, Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg, Associate Professor, Candidate of Sociological Sciences

General Director of the communications agency SPN Communications

Member of the Russian Academy of Advertising, Chairman of the "Association of the Marketing Industry "Advertising Council"

Media manager, founder of the newspaper “Business Petersburg”, editor-in-chief of the Internet portal “Moika78”

Leading researcher at the Department of Theory and Economics of Media, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University, Candidate of Philological Sciences

Head of the Department of Journalism and Marketing Technologies, Institute of Culture, Social Communications and Information Technologies, Baikal State University, Professor, Doctor of Economics

Head of the Department of Periodicals and Online Publications, Faculty of Journalism, Ural Humanitarian Institute, Ural Federal University, Professor, Doctor of Philosophy

Professor at the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Political Sciences

Teaching and Learning Support Specialist