Tag "ideas & experience"
As part of the new course on M&A, the second year MP Finance course had a guest lecture by Denis Sobe-Panek, co-owner of Autostels and independent consultant
On December 7, Denis Sobe-Panek, co-owner of Autostels, one of the leaders of the Russian auto parts market, gave a presentation for Master's students.
Guest lecture on “Synergy Valuation” (UPES)
As part of the new course on M&A, the second year MP Finance course had a guest lecture by a professor from a partner university from India (UPES) on “Synergy Valuation”.
The International Webinar on Sustainable Finance: Prospects for Collaboration
On September 20, 2024, the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management (SEM), together with the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore), hosted an international webinar on sustainable finance. The event aimed to bring together experts, faculty, and students from both universities to discuss current issues on the integration of sustainable financial practices into the corporate sector and capital markets.
Platform presentation: Digital Financial Analyst
On March 10 as a part of the Mentor's Seminar students met with the Head of the Department of Finance, the creator of the analytical portal Digital Financial Analyst www.difan.xyz Y.R. Ichkitidze.
During the discussion and presentation of the platform, first- and second-year masters had the opportunity to give feedback on the practical application of the platform's capabilities, options for improving the platform's data and shared their views on promising investment strategies in the face of risk and uncertainty.