Tag "master's programmes "

'It is Crucial for Graduates to Get out of the 'Comfort Zone'
Adelina Ishmuratova graduated from the 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' programme, having defended her thesis concerning exporting organization to the PRC. Currently, Adelina has experience in attracting investments in the SEZ 'Alabuga', as well as in the Investment Development Agency of the Moscow Region. In our interview, she shares insights on working in a special economic zone and recommendations for building her career path.

Difficulties in the Career Path of a Sinologist
Interview with Aliya Arsaeva, head of the HSE partner – recruiting agency 'China Professionals', specializing in Chinese market.
'It is Important to Expand your Horizons and Analyze Language Conflicts'
Interview with Ksenia Maksimovtsova, associate professor of the HSE Department of Political Science and International Affairs, about her work experience in Germany, post-Soviet countries' language policy issues and features of the Project Seminar discipline.

From the Navy to an Academic Career: Professor Sergei Sevastianov
Professor Sergei Sevastianov, a specialist in international relations in the Pacific Region, joined the programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' in 2020. In this inverview prof. Sevastianov shares the details of his unique career and his opinion on political and economic perspectives of Russia in the Pacific Region.

The Pandemic is not an Obstacle for Expanding International Cooperation
Liudmila Veselova, academic supervisor of the programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia', took part in meeting with ESC Rennes Business School students.

Nikita Samosudov: 'Relations between Russia and China Are Strengthening Every Day'
The Russian-Chinese Business Park (RCBP), a partner of the Higher School of Economics, does not terminate its business activities despite the pandemic and continues to provide internship for the HSE students. Nikita Samosudov, development director, 'Wholesale Construction Supplies North-West Company' (part of the RCBP), told the students of the programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' how, in his opinion, the COVID-19 pandemic affected relations between Russia and China.

'It is Impossible to Become an Expert on the Asian Region without Accepting the Eastern Specifics'
Valentina Morozova, professor, Department of Asian and African Studies, speaks on the Asian countries' sociocultural specifics influence on business negotiations and tells how to teach students the methods of interactions with Chinese partners.

Aleksei Maslov: ‘Asia is Changing Extremely Quickly, and So Our Views on the East Must Change Accordingly’
Professor Aleksey A. Maslov, a well-known sinologist and director of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, heads the Academic Council of the master’s programme ‘Business and Politics in Modern Asia’. He is directly involved in the formation of the concept of the program and its development. We asked Alexey Maslovabout modern oriental studies and the prospects for graduates in this sphere.

HSE Saint Petersburg Opens a Double Degree Programme in Asian Studies with Ca' Foscari University of Venice!
The agreement on the development of a double degree programme between the HSE master's programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' and the University of Ca’ Foscari Master's programme in 'Language and Management in China' is successfully signed.

HSE Professor of Practice Sergei Kolesnichenko on Teaching at HSE and Working in Asia
One of the advantages of the Master's programme in 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' is that many faculty members have experience working in business in Asia. One of these highly qualified specialists, senior lecturer and professor of practice of the Department of Political Science, Sergey A. Kolesnichenko, speaks about his experience working with Chinese companies and gives advice about how to find a job in China.